Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) Scanner Frequencies and Talkgroups

Houston, Texas

Public Safety and Airport Operations

Police services provided by the Houston Police Department. Fire/Rescue/EMS services provided by the Houston Fire Department. For airport operations, see TxWARN Project 25 Trunked Radio System .

Air Traffic Control

Arriving Aircraft: TRACON > Tower > Ground > Ramp Control
Departing Aircraft: Ramp Control > Metering > Ground > Tower > TRACON
Houston Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON)
United Airlines Ramp Control controls ramps for terminals A, B, C, D and E.

Aviation - Airlines

Aviation - ARINC En Route Service

Aviation - Corporate

Aviation - Fixed Base Operators/Ground Handlers

Airline Ground Operations

Most United Airlines operations are on a 900 MHz OpenSky trunked radio system and some contractors operate on UHF conventional channels. "Pod 5" is Continental Express Gate B84 area

460.825 R [156.7] Lufthansa?
464.525 R [103.5] United - is this a UA flight, C24 i'm here right now (using aircraft numbers, not flight numbers?), C24 i'm here right now, gave it to the mechanic, i'll come back to the hangar with that other part, gate change, going out of C40, E9, check the rest of the list, C18, C24, C31, C37, radio check

Federal Government

Miscellaneous Airport Services

489.25 S [ ] TerminaLink? (morse)
492.25 S [ 67.0] TerminaLink? (open mic/keyed-up with dead air)

Parking Shuttles

Airport Hotel


460.8    R [     ] ETA into gate 21
461.05   R?[     ] United Express Maintenance? - 5/5 morse heard only
461.0625 R?[MTRBO] United? - 5/5 TRBO
463.4    R [127.3] United?/Chelsea? - 5/5 Spanish/English, you need to physically be here
463.925  R [118.8] parking shuttle?
464.55   M [d 412] Continental Cargo Handlers or Ramp Security? - aircraft 703 at D11 needs to be secured, jetway, tell them to go to terminal E, aircraft 18 cleaners haven't been on it yet, plane is on D5 (continental 777), aircraft 14 at gate C16 status, C16 secured call ops with times
464.7    R [136.5] pulling up to the hotel notw, A alpha, C, training center, cancel United training center, echo, pickup at alpha
469.5375 I?[d    ] brief voice

Obsolete (no longer used)

128.925  S [ CSQ ] Continental Connection (Colgan Air) - Operations
129.4    S [ CSQ ] Southwest
130.0    S [ CSQ ] US Airways / US Airways Express (license canceled; obsolete?)
130.3    S [ CSQ ] United / United Express (includes Allegiant Air)
131.475  S [ CSQ ] Pakistan International
131.625  S [ CSQ ] DHL
131.875  S [ CSQ ] Shell (assumed obsolete, IAH base is now closed and license canceled)
151.865  S [d 423] Atlantic Aviation (assumed obsolete)
453.0125 R [d 654] Xpress Park (assumed obsolete, is now Parking Spot 2)
460.725  R [d 627] Continental - Wheelchairs (Associated Building Services, Ch. 1) (assumed obsolete)
460.775  R [127.3] Air France
460.825  R [103.5] Delta
461.1625 R [141.3] US Airways
461.75   R [127.3] Continental - Aircraft Lavatory Maintenance
461.8875 R [MTRBO] United - Electric Carts/Wheelchairs (PrimeFlight Aviation Services)
462.3375 R [131.8] Frontier (moving to HOU?)
463.3    R [d 343] Northwest (assumed obsolete, Delta channel in use)
464.325  R [203.5] United (assumed obsolete)
464.4375 R [d 244] Southwest
464.6    R [d 743] America West - Customer Service (assumed obsolete; US Airways repeater still in use)
464.6375 R [d 306] ExpressJet - Aircraft Maintenance (was simulcast with 463.7375)
464.675  R [d 114] Continental - Electric Carts (Associated Building Services, Ch. 2) (assumed obsolete)

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