Baytown Communications TRS

Baytown, Texas

Type: LTR Regular
Site: 1625 Cedar Bayou Road

Frequencies (in LCN order):
01  451.5     WPMZ731
02  452.375   WPMZ731
04  ??  
06  ??  {1/20/2013} this LCN not reported as a free channel, only 1/2/4/10
10  ??  
??  452.65    WPMZ731

0-01-041 {1/21/2013} voice
0-01-105 voice
0-01-109 {1/21/2013} key-ups, {1/18/2014} ticket, brake pads
0-01-121 {1/20/2013} clear 45, {1/21/2013} voice, {7/9/2013} clear of san jac clinic, alarm call there earlier, {10/13/2013} ...a patient just left the building but he's not sure if...
0-01-122 {1/21/2013} voice, we're not seeing the vehicle is there anywhere else you want us to check, {7/9/2013} has a felony address out of harris county not sure if he's trying to dodge me
0-01-136 wrecker service
0-01-140 voice, {1/12/2013} key-up, {1/21/2013} key-up
0-01-141 voice, plantation drive, 150 gallon tank, 100 gallons, will pay the bill he owes, only way to get the hose back there to the back yard, {1/11/2013} voice
0-01-153 {1/18/2014} take care of enterprise
0-01-159 {7/9/2013} gonna have to lifeflight 1, if you're coming 1942 you're good to go, 
0-01-168 {7/9/2013} voice
0-01-173 {2/24/2013} voice
0-01-174 {1/21/2013} key-up, {2/24/2013} voice
0-01-175 {1/11/2013} voice, {1/21/2013} voice, {2/24/2013} voice
0-01-176 {1/11/2013} key-up, {1/20/2013} meet me at the control room, {1/21/2013} voice, come see me, valve, 16 inch, paperwork, welder, how many welds do you have, the yard, 2 inch, 1.5 inch
0-02-001 {1/18/2014} voice
0-02-054 {1/12/2013} voice, 10-4, {1/6/2018} key-ups
0-02-150 {1/12/2013} voice
0-02-172 {1/6/2013} voice, {1/12/2013} voice, need to stay late, the yard, pipe, unload that trailer, {1/20/2013} screwdriver, {1/21/2013} voice