Wings over Houston 2021

Houston, Texas

Ellington International Airport

87.5SPublic Address Announcer Audio
118.0SCSQairshow secondary/discrete
119.6SCSQ air boss
122.725MCSQ(referenced from 123.525 as air boss monitoring)
123.525MCSQair-to-air, smoke, x-ray zero niner, lone star 4, going to pearland
138.925Monaco Fire Alarm System data
139.925Aircraft Arresting System data
147.06R118.8Amateur Radio Volunteers
149.65MCSQThunderbirds (AM Mode)
151.1375R156.7VTAC36 - raider, clipper, diablo 5, net control, raider 2, personnel/water/comm status, soldiers
154.4525M?VTAC12 (or VTAC37?) golf 5, net control
159.4725I156.7Input to VTAC36
272.1MCSQSnowbirds (said to go 123.325)
396.875MCSQMilitary ISR Ch. 1 - return to tent
451.85Rd 731Signature Flight Support
461.1875Mcc5 tg1voice
463.225Rcc15 tg1 sl1Show Operations?
463.225Rcc15 tg1 sl2Medical
464.1625Rcc9 tg1 sl2parking
464.55M67.0need any chairs or umbrellas
464.55Md 245lady down in front of booth needs ambulance, gloves and deli wrap, hot dogs or sausages, trays
466.0375MDenise your 20, analog
466.0625Mcc5 tg1broken glass
466.7875Mcc5 tg1
467.9Mvoice, Gary, analog
468.9375Mcc5 tg1water?
45301TxWARNX-ICS 3 - HPD
45348TxWARNCoH Event 9 - HFD